Saturday, November 1, 2008

Cake Balls and a great cleaner

Yesterday we made these cake balls from Pioneer Woman. They were fun for the kids. Warning though - shredding the cake into crumbs took longer than I expected, so leave yourself plenty of time. Totally worth trying!

Also, I tried the new (to Idaho at least) Jet Dry Dishwasher Cleaner this morning and I think it has magical powers. It totally worked! You know the scummy gummy stuff that collects around the edge of your dishwasher (esp. at the bottom)? While it didn't get rid of it all, it loosened it so that after two Clorox wipes, it was GONE. It got rid of a chocolate stain in there too. Excellent.


  1. Thanks for the tip on the cleaner, Mar. I've been wondering what to use . . . .

  2. i love tips on new products that people have tried. and even if i have a recipe, i love to hear about someone else trying it so i know it's worth making - so i'm glad you shared that.

  3. The best cleaner I ever used is Lime Gone, from Smart and Final. Don't confuse this with Lime Away. It comes in a gallon container and it works wonders. I even run it in my dishwasher once in a while. Vinegar in the dishwasher is great too.

  4. Cool Thank Mary! I look forward to looking for it.
