Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Mulligatawny Soup

We are avid fans of Sienfeld so if you watch this show you will have heard of this kind of soup. After watching one day I was wondering what is Mulligatawny anyway. So I looked it up and found this recipe and made it. There is recipe that claims to be the soup Nazi's copy cat version, but I haven't made it, although I would like to. This one is pretty good. I like a lot of curry so I add 3 TBSP, but if you like a lighter flavor don't add so much, also the cream will calm down the curry flavor too. I love curry, so I you have any awesome curry recipes please share. Anyway, here is the recipe.

1 cup chopped onion
3-4 stalks celery, chopped
2 carrot, diced
1/2 cup butter
3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
3 teaspoons-3 tablespoons curry powder (depends on how much you like, I like a lot)
8 cups chicken broth
1 apple, grated or chopped
1/2 cup white rice
2 skinless, boneless chicken breasts -
cut into cubes
salt to taste
ground black pepper to taste
1 pinch dried thyme
1 cup heavy cream (milk will work too), heated
1. Saute onions, celery, carrot, and butter in a large soup pot. Add flour and curry, and cook 5 more minutes. Add chicken stock, mix well, and bring to a boil. Simmer about 1/2 hour.
2. Add apple, rice, chicken, salt, pepper, and thyme. Simmer 15-20 minutes, or until rice is done.
3. Add hot cream or milk and serve.

1 comment:

  1. we just watched the soup nazi episode a few weeks ago. pretty funny. good job posting new recipes!!!
